1 in 100 Years

September 23, 2020 0 By Aaron

Just a quick note to capture my thoughts on a statement made by one of our politicians yesterday. He stated that COVID-19 is a 1 in 100 year event. I ask myself if that is really true, and if not, what are the dangers with that view?

100 years ago we had the Spanish flu. Thinking of the technical advances we have made, the increased global travel, increased population, growing divide in classes of living etc, and I am not so sure. I think the next big thing to hit the world could be much sooner than we think. In my mind, comparing COVID-19 to the Spanish flu that occurred 100 years ago demonstrates we need to do more critical thinking on the subject.

Taking a 1 in 100 years approach can also create a mindset of if we just get through this then all will be ok for the next 100 years. Whereas I believe the financial and other impacts that have created uncertainty and frailty to our country are at great risk of future damage. I also feel the risk of this occurring sooner than 100 years in the future is high. I just do not think we are preparing ourselves or truly wanting to learn from what is burning our world right now.

I think this is the perfect opportunity for all of us to adopt new ways of living and not wait it out. We have to adopt to a new normal with an enduring sense of purpose. Not taking this opportunity to get back to fundamental first principles will weaken our resilience to gracefully cope with the next emergent threat; one that will not conveniently wait 99 years.